Call for Submission

The International Education Conference (IEC) 2024 is an annual event organized by the Office of the Vice President for Local and International Affairs (OVPLIA) along with the Office of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Pangasinan State University. The conference encourages academicians, scholars, policymakers, school administrators, and educators to meet and exchange ideas and views in an international forum stimulating respectful dialogue about the latest trends, challenges, and praxis of education 5.0. This event will afford an exceptional opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, networking, and facilitating partnerships across national and disciplinary borders.

The IEC 2024 will be held on September 11-12, 2024 at the ASEANA Hall, Golden Lion Hotel in Lingayen, Pangasinan, Philippines. Participating professional teachers will earn CPD units for promotion and professional development.


    • All research participants shall be given Hard copy of Conference Proceedings and Souvenir Program.
    • All research presenters shall be given the following certificates: (1) Certificate of Oral Presentation and (2) Certificate of participation while the research attendees shall be given a Certificate of Attendance.
    • Winners of Best Paper and Best Presenter shall receive Certificate of Awards and their names shall appear on the website.
    • Keynote speakers, welcome address, resource speakers, Technical Working Group, etc. shall receive Certificate of Recognition
    • Moderators, Session Chairs, keynote speakers/resource speakers shall receive a certificate of commendation.
    • Certificate of Attendance shall be given to those who attended the event for 2 days (September 11-12, 2024).
    • Announcement of Winners is on Day 2 of the Conference

Paper Submission

    • The research outputs should correspond to the conference’s theme/cluster.
    • Each paper will be reviewed and evaluated by the Technical Committee based on the given criteria.
    • All selected papers will be presented during the International Conference.
Abstract Format
  • a. The abstract should include the following:
    1. Research Title
    2. Name of researcher/affiliation, email address
    3. Body in IMRAD format in not more than 250 words
    4. Five (5) Keywords
    5. References in APA format
  • b. Use the typeface font of 12-point Times New Roman, Word Document format,
  • c. Email your abstract to: on or before August 23, 2024

Oral Presentation

  • The oral presentation will be conducted via virtual (pre-recorded presentation) and
    in person in the designated cluster halls at Golden Lion Hotel.
  • Accepted abstracts will receive a Notice of Acceptance for Oral Presentation only.
  • Full paper will be submitted and to be reviewed by the Technical Committee.
  • A standardized PowerPoint Presentation Template will be given to all the
    research presenters.
  • 1 researcher is allowed to present the paper.
  • Q and A will follow after the 10-minute oral presentation or a total of 15 minutes.


  • All research papers will be clustered accordingly, or it depends on the researcher’s
  • Evaluation of abstracts can be done by clusters using the following codes:
  • Coding for different clusters is applied during the manuscript evaluation to avoid
  • There should be one session chair and one technical support per cluster.
  • A Google drive will be created for all committee heads for various documents,
    forms, templates, abstracts, and manuscripts to be used and submitted.

Important Dates

Conference Date

 September 11-12, 2024
(Wednesday – Thursday)

Early Bird Abstract Submission Deadline

August 16, 2024

Results of abstract review returned to authors

Within 1 week

Early Bird Payment

August 16, 2024

Final Abstract Submission Deadline

August 23, 2024

End of Registration

August 23, 2024

Reinventing: Innovative Education Paradigms

Not limited to: AI Challenges and Trends in Early childhood education, Primary & secondary education, Higher Education, Curriculum design & development, Learning Modality (eLearning, Distance & blended learning), Special Education, Adult and lifelong learning, Education for sustainable development, Education for interdisciplinary thinking, Emerging Trends in Education and other related fields

Rehumanizing: Human-centered Learning Approaches

Not limited to: Rehumanizing 21st-century education in Early childhood education, Primary & secondary education, Higher Education, Curriculum design & development, Learning Modality (eLearning, Distance & blended learning), Special Education, Adult and lifelong learning, Education for sustainable development,
Education for Interdisciplinary Thinking, Emerging Trends in Education

Reinforcing: Educational Quality and Impact

Not limited to: Relevance and impact of ranking systems in education, quality assurance mechanisms in education, risk management, and other related topics.